
Hi!  I'm HarmonY

If you are new to yoga and/or seeking new ways to connect and FEEL GREAT in your body, but don't know where to start...

If you are looking to deepen your practice + find your flow in a way that inspires you & your body, and need some guidance & support ...

If you are constantly 'on the go' and just need a nurturing + healing space where you can get away, de-compress & unwind your busy mind...

Wherever you are on your magnificent journey...

I am here for you.

My Story

I am a certified Yoga Instructor (200 hour certified Yoga Teacher Training, School of Sacred Arts, Bali Indonesia) + Let Your Yoga Dance Facilitator (100 hour certified Let Your Yoga Dance Teacher Training w/ Megha-Nancy Buttenheim @ Kripalu, Lenox Massachusetts), a professional actress/singer/dancer, a daughter,  a sister, a partner, a friend, a proud puppy parent, and a host of other things!  And...

I help amazing people (like you) find freedom + connection + joy within themselves, through the healing modalities of yoga, dance & the breath.

yoga connects me back to me.

When life is full, as it so often is, it can be challenging to give yourself what you need.  I know.  I've been there!  So many of us have been there...  When the "to-do list" seems never ending, when we try so hard to look good +be right,  when we care so well for others but forget to take care of ourselves, when we lose track of the why behind our actions, when we disconnect from our bodies entirely hoping just to make it through- how exhausting!!!...and familiar?  Yes, we all have our version of this story... So.  How do we embrace and love ourselves when it seems overwhelming, or worse...when the 'overwhelm' starts to feel normal...?!

Breathe.  Listen.  FEEL.   Trust.   Allow. 

Although I grew up with 'yogi' parents, it wasn't until I relocated from small town country living into the vastness of New York City that I dove heart first into my yoga practice.  There I was... alone, excited, overwhelmed, anxious, and desperately seeking my 'calm amidst the chaos'.  I found it challenging to be with myself & breathe when the world around me kept moving at such a fast pace!  I needed a safe haven where I could put aside my busy mind and connect back to self + my heart + my reason for being-and I found it in my body, on my mat.  My personal practice (and now my teaching) is a reflection of my life experience that I get to witness & work with on my yoga mat.  My yoga continuously call me into the present moment of my body + life, helping me to find more joy and freedom within my strengths and more compassion and acceptance within my challenges.

I truly believe that each one of us is powerful beyond measure.  When we connect to our breath, and listen to our body (and to that which moves us deeply), possibilities are endless.  When we step beyond how things look and go deeper into how things feelour perspective can shift.  When we trust ourselves to be held and supported in this moment, and then allow the moment to unfold, we can experience our life as EXTRAORDINARY!  And so it is.


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